The driving forces of our company

These pioneering fintech founders are changing the world with their innovative and winning financial solutions.
  • m2pfintech
    Madhusudanan R

    Madhu aims to transform every business into a fintech and is passionate about solving challenges that start-ups are constantly faced with. He defines happiness as seeing satisfied end-customers sharing their experiences online.

    Prabhu R

    Prabhu says happiness is working with great people. If start-ups focus on becoming profitable right from the beginning he says it will help immensely in their journey. The man behind the employee-first policies of the company, Prabhu leads the day-to-day operations.

    Muthukumar A

    Muthu heads the technology and engineering divisions. He believes strongly in financial inclusion and hopes to bridge the gap with mobile tech and robust API. Calling the fintech space an ever evolving one, he feels that start-ups need to up their game and skills to ride the future waves.

  • m2pfintech
    Venkatesan Anandaraj

    Venkatesan is passionate about building 0-to-1 products in the fintech space. He cofounded Wizi, an all-encompassing app designed to understand credit cards fully. Be it enabling customers to get credit cards instantly, or working with banks to build their instant issuance layers, Venkat thrives in innovating and creating products that address gaps and challenges in the current market.

    Abishek Ramdoss

    Abishek is an automotive engineer turned marketer turned fintech entrepreneur! He cofounded Wizi, a super app for all things credit cards. Given his experience across industries, in both the B2B and B2C verticals, Abishek is passionate about and brings a wealth of skills in concept selling, product marketing, brand building, and setting up and scaling go-to-market initiatives.

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    Satish Krishnaswamy

    Driven and committed, Satish is a self-made entrepreneur who founded BSG ITSOFT, which enables seamless integration with any Core Banking System allowing banks to benefit from one tech vendor for all integrated channels. He has made it his life's work to reduce the unbanked population in developing countries. Satish envisions building a dream team for the purpose of achieving the unachievable.

  • m2pfintech
    Vamsi Kotte

    Vamsi co-founded Syntizen and pioneered the design for its high-performing digital identity solutions. Building disruptive ideas, creating efficient digital products and overseeing the management of people, processes, & business keep him inspired. A daredevil at heart, Vamsi loves skydiving, parasailing, jet skiing, and traveling. In his free time, he plays sports and engages in discussing strategic business models and ideas.

    Dinesh Desu

    Dinesh co-founded Syntizen, a digital identity solutions company, and is committed to enhancing the speed and efficiency of KYC processes. He aspires to make a global impact by developing software that would facilitate at least 50+ million identity transactions per day across multiple geographies.  A workaholic by nature, Dinesh is a marketing and tech geek who strives every day to build new and better products.

    Siddharth Kukatlapalli

    An entrepreneur with an innate understanding of all things technology, Siddharth co-founded Syntizen, one of India's leading Digital Identity Solutions providers. He aims at growing our capabilities to process 50+ million identity transactions per day across multiple countries. There's more to Siddharth than meets the eye. He enjoys a wide variety of hobbies and interests, including sports, movies, and travel. A weekend chef who loves chai!

  • m2pfintech
    Nayan Ambali

    “Everyone deserves equal opportunities to pursue their aspirations,” says Nayan, who founded Finflux, a cloud lending platform. And financial inclusion is key to making this happen. Nayan's vision is to make credit available for over 100 million people.

    Ashok Auty

    To Ashok Auty, a co-founder of Finflux, it's all about value delivery. With his expertise in information technology and financial inclusion, Ashok is focused on growing lending solutions that make affordable financing available to the world's unbanked and underbanked segments. His hobbies lie in the great outdoors, specifically in trekking and scuba diving.
